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5. Modern Love

5. Modern Love published on No Comments on 5. Modern Love

Lovingly dedicated to my best friend Jen, for reasons which should be very clear to anyone who knows her. Yeah, so… Honestly, I like VAMPS’ version better than Bowie’s. After I did this comic, I realized the punchline was a tad similar to I’m My Own Mascot’s Masaman Armageddon. Oops…. Sorry, K.Bo! But I defend it with Pink Fangasm Explosion is something very different than Curry of Doom Explosion…. (For example: More fun for me.)

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I couldn’t do a series of J-Rock comics and NOT do one about Hyde’s height. The man is teeny! Now, I am by no means Amazonian, but when I’m in my boots (and any situation in which I would meet Hyde, I’d be wearing my boots), I’m like eight inches taller than him. I actually did have the chance to meet him. I saw VAMPS in concert last summer in San Francisco and they did an autograph session. I didn’t hear about it until after the fact *sob* I don’t like to talk about it… The title is Hyde’s height in centimetres. Why centimetres? Because I like to be inscrutable.

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